Silverton McLagan Identity Coaching
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We truly value the confidentiality of our relationships with our clients so we have only shown client’s initials although many of them proudly own our coaching relationship and wouldn’t mind being identified. We made an editorial decision to keep it consistent, unless a client has specifically asked us to include their information. Every testimonial we have included is from a real, live client. That is our 100% guarantee!

DB: General Manager, Theatre company, B.C. Canada

“Working with Toby has enabled me to gain a clearer perspective on the issues in my life – personal and professional. She has assisted me in finding survival paths through periods of intense stress and facilitated my identification of current and future priorities. And sometimes she just helps me make it through the day!”

Update: Made big career changes to step out of the rat-race and live life more joyously, now life includes time for pursuing travel, interests, fun and much less stress!

SE: Screenwriter, Vancouver, B.C. Canada

Coaching (with Dr. Bev) has been a great experience for me because it’s given me a paradigm for achieving my own goals and ultimately, increasing my happiness. It’s taught me to first ask the right questions, including the all important “What do I want?” and its second cousin, “Do I have any control over this?” Coaching has taught me that by focusing my energy I can achieve what matters most to me.

PB: Childrens’ Author, Independent Film Professional, Vancouver, B.C. Canada

“From the time we started coaching to now, the following has changed for me:

  • I am no longer coasting through life…I am in charge
  • I know my purpose in life
  • I see clearly my saboteurs and am not afraid of them
  • I am accountable
  • I challenge my limitations

It’s been like coming out of a fog of uncertainty to feeling like there is meaning and purpose in life…and most of all that I am the great contributor to that life. From coaching I have received:

  • the tools to express my authentic self
  • the guidance to express my creativitity
  • the experience of inner harmony and peace
  • the excitement of realizing my dreams
  • a loving, yet “call me on my shit” springboard to live the life I deserve.

Thank you Toby, working with you is the most valuable, important, smart thing I’ve ever done for myself.

Update: Her “life vision” has come into focus with the adoption of her beautiful baby girl, a wonderful relationship, choosing work projects that supports her professional & family life and health, and looking to the future with a new business venture and charity project to support literature for children.

KM: Financial Executive, Business owner, Vancouver, B.C. Canada

Toby, you made me do the work in all aspects of my life. Now I find that nothing is challenging anymore. I don’t have to fight every battle, I’m not as driven, and I have more desire to enjoy the day. I can get trapped in a busy life, but now I spend 80% of the time on the stuff I desire.

C. Wilms, M.A., Vancouver, B.C. Canada

I am very motivated and enthusiastic about developing my business. With your assistance Bev, I realize that marketing is about laying the foundation for my future business. Once I figured this out the light bulb went on…things just seemed to click. I can be a mental health professional and a business person. You are. And, you’ve been a great role model to me.

Update: This client has expanded her business plans beyond her initial dreams and industry into the global education network, and has added a new exciting dimension to her life with writing to publish.

DH: Agrologist, Forester, Singer, B.C. Canada

“…nearing the end of 2003 I was coming out of a lengthy illness and I was feeling lousy: groundless, indecisive and without any direction….well, after about a year of being coached by Dr. Toby, what has it done for me and how do I feel? In a nutshell, I feel grounded and confident in myself and my abilities. I have goals and visions for where I want to go with my life that are ambitious yet flexible. And most importantly, I’ve learned more skills and have more tools available to me than before about how to set and achieve my goals, my visions, and my dreams. And this all feels good. I feel good. Life is good.

Being coached is getting kicked in the…when you really need it to start and maintain your motivation; being coached is being listened to and getting feedback, it involves doing regular, manageable work that gets the results you want; it means learning new skills, gaining new tools and letting go of ideas, practices and thoughts that don’t help you, don’t work for you and never will work for you; being coached means that if you do your “homework” you will see results you like and want….Amen and Hallelujah

SH: Writer/Legal Editor. London, U.K.

Bev, I think your psychological background combined with your coaching training make you a formidable coach. When I call you I am always ready to hit the ground running, sometimes I am aggressive and can identify exactly what I want to achieve and how…other times, I am unfocused and need you to lead me after I have thrown impulsive thoughts at you. You crystalize the issue for me in a nano-second, I use it, and I move on. You challenge me, question me, support me, and push me, always with an eye to moving forward.

Update: Lives in London, travelled Southeast Asia and changed jobs, all to increase and widen opportunities for her writing and adventures.

T. Stone: Childrens’ Author, Floyd the Flamingo and his flock of friends; Tall Tale: the true story of the world’s largest tin soldier ( B.C. Canada

If Floyd had a coach, he wouldn’t be stuck balancing on one leg, he’d be out living life to the fullest – like me! Thanks, Toby!

Update: 2007 published second book called Baaaad Animals, added another little one to her brood and is already working on future projects to be published.

DG: Speech Pathologist, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I appreciate the proactive, forward-looking approach that coaching has. The personal connection I made with my coach (Dr Bev) allows me to feel safe and understood while her professional objectivity allows me to hear information with more clarity than if it came from someone personally involved in my life.

I am going through some major life decisions and I thought of coaching very pragmatically-in any other endeavour in life (eg. sport, career) I would enlist the help of a mentor…it only made sense to have a coach help me navigate the challenges/adventures of life as a whole

Update: Relocated to Vancouver, restructured her life and life goals and is happier than she has ever been as she pursues ‘life on her terms’.

R. Pipkey: Photographer ( B.C. Canada

Once again, you helped me or rather guided me to see the light…how you manage to do this I don’t think I’ll ever quite grasp! You are truly brilliant…your wisdom and guidance is immeasurable, but [my] success has been in leaps and bounds!

Update 2007: Made her dream move to the country with her husband and daughter. A balanced life of family, career and recreation is what this family is all about.

MB: Entrepreneur/Film Industry, Documentarian. Vancouver, B.C. Canada

Unlike other relationships in a person’s life, a coach is more able to be objective and not overly concerned with sugar-coating their constructive suggestions. Coaching was, and will be in my future, an excellent way to explore the myriad of possibilities that accompany life-changes. Thank you Bev for being courageous enough to take on coaching as your work.

SB: Graduate Student-Health Promotions. Vancouver, B.C. Canada

A few months ago I just couldn’t imagine myself in any kind of leadership position – it just wasn’t me. But now I feel myself being pulled that way. I think the part of me that is shooting for the stars is doing the pulling. More and more I’m feeling like settling for an identity as someone who is just there to support everyone else’s dreams is simply NOT who I am. I really want to thank [Dr. Toby] for helping me achieve this. Another thing I’ve been aware of…is how much I’m enjoying life now…. What an incredible gift you’ve given me! Thank you so much!

Update: Working her way up her career ladder in health promotions while finishing up her M.A.

JK: Educational Consultant. Saskatchewan, Canada

Six months ago, a friend of mine met someone from Toronto who was using a life-coach from Vancouver and was thrilled with the experience. My friend knew that I had been searching for a coach for some time and she couldn’t wait to give me the phone number and to encourage me to call Dr. Bev McLagan.I am crazy about creating a vision for my life and I love to share the inspiration that it brings with anyone who is willing to play along. When I called Coach Bev, I knew she was just the person to help me.

I have worked on both personal and professional goals. On a personal level, I have investigated and created a more healthy and balanced work/life schedule; thought through some issues about single life; and made the decision to apply for my PhD. At work, I have created a work schedule that really works, which has allowed me to leave work earlier and to get more done. It’s incredible. The change has improved my level of job satisfaction, my attitude and my relationships with my employer!

Update: Finishing PhD and off to conquer a new world.

LJ: Social Work Case Manager, B.C. Canada

What a change I have made! The 4 days I took off last weekend seemed endless. I still find it amazing that it was only a few months ago that I felt as though I never had any time, always felt pressured, and never felt as though I had been off after a weekend. I actually feel I have a life apart from work now. Coaching (with Dr. Bev) has been absolutely wonderful.

Update: 2005 – Successfully & joyously retired with a full life!

LO: Court Reporter, Singapore

I started working with Toby in the early nineties regarding my eating disorder. I had had an eating disorder for over 10 years. I had seen 3 or 4 other psychotherapists before I went to Toby, but I just was not able to break the cycle. Toby and I connected straight away and we worked hard together on a weekly basis for about 5 years. During the course of our time I was finally able to cope and overcome my eating disorder!

I then moved overseas. I resumed work with Toby when she started her online coaching service about a year ago. We are now working on issues surrounding breaking the worry cycle and, most importantly, learning that there is life beyond work.

Toby has been instrumental in changing the quality of my life. When we first met I was, frankly, a wreck. The nightmare of my eating disorder is now gone and I have so much more confidence. I know I still have issues to work on – who doesn’t? – but Toby has been able to assist me in clarifying ways to move forward and at the same time providing me with the necessary tools to take those steps.


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