Live the Solution

September, 2006: Ordinary Wisdom From a Not So Ordinary Feline


Welcome to your fr*ee monthly e-newsletter about living the solution... not the problem!

Written and published by: Dr. Toby Silverton & Dr. Bev McLagan

Sent to subscribers in Canada, U.S., U.K., Finland, the Middle East, Central America and Asia. Many thanks to everyone who forwards the newsletter on. We grow through your recommendations so please keep up the good work and forward this newsletter to a few friends and colleagues.

In This Issue: Go anywhere in this issue fast by clicking on a topic.

Thank you! To all our readers who took part in our recent readership drive, a big “thank you”. We are now pleased to welcome Finland and Central America to our global village. We hope you have enjoyed and are putting into practice many of the tips you found in the free report 24/7 Energy. Congratulations to Diane O. who will be receiving a copy of our e-book The Burnout Trap: From Stress Debt to Stress Management.

The contest has come to an end, but you can still spread the word and learn the 8 key strategies to renewing and managing your energy with our 7 page report: 24/7 Energy - just click here to use our interactive web form to refer your friends now.

Personal Reflections

King Roland

It’s hard to believe, but once again we share sad news with you all. Roland, our dear Rolly, beloved feline passed away peacefully on August 22, 2006 at the proud age of 20.5 cat years…that would be 102.5 for you and me! Most of our long time readers and clients know all about the felines that have graced our lives, and most of you have shared the loss of all of them, Georgina in 2004, Pippi in 2005, Benjamin in 2005, and now Roland.

So we are definitely sad, but oh so grateful that we got to share so many years with this bundle of love and wisdom. Roland was definitely a very wise guy. Everyone who came in contact with him immediately, with no prompting from the humans, knew to call him “The King”! A title he quite lived up to.

Roland left a legacy of love, but on a practical side he sent his worldly belongings to charities that benefit other less fortunate four-footed beings. While going through his things we came across his musings and want to share them with you. That’s right…it’s The Wisdom of Roland . We miss you Bubba!

What are we thinking about?

So, here is Roland on surviving this human world. Ordinary wisdom from a not so ordinary feline.

1. Take breaks from life: When feeling overwhelmed, find yourself a corner and curl up (the back of a closet works nicely.)

2. On your sanity: Keep many toys around you. You need to give yourself over to wild abandon and play periodically.

3. Keep your dignity : When people bug you and biting, hissing or scratching doesn’t seem the way to go, just turn your back on them and strutt away with attitude.

4. Getting noticed: Displeased with being ignored? Walk to the middle of the room and do something adorable. Voila….oooohhhh……aaahhhh…you own the room.

5. Get what you want: If you want outside, sit in front of the door, if you want food, sit in front of the fridge…works with practically everything. The less beating around the bush, the quicker you get what you want.

6. When guilt works: If your people say they’ll do something for you, but they’re slow to produce, sit and stare at them until they can’t avoid your eye contact any longer.

7. Self-care: Chill at regular intervals. Find that big comfy place on the couch and rest easy. Note, don’t move for anyone.

8. Exercise: When snoozing, stretch your legs often. Yes this does count as exercise if you stretch all four at once.

9. My fail safe solution to everything: When in doubt, insecure, or confused…clean your paws

10. Genuine goodness: Greetings! Look up and purr loudly when people approach, you’ll receive a hug and a smile for sure. Good for the soul.

11. My resort moment: When you’re dreaming, find a sun spot on the floor, picture green grass, butterflies and lots of creatures like you in one happy place, and, well …..purrr…

12. Be selective: Pick your people wisely, it makes for a happier life.

13. Follow the 4 feline fundamentals: Keep rituals during your day, eat, sleep, purr, play.

14. Inner pride: When you’re praised for doing something well – lap it up and believe it.

15. Demand Authenticity: My people love me for who I am.

16 . More self-care: Drink plenty of water often. I prefer a cup to a bowl but the choice is yours (just don’t belch after you drink when in the company of others).

17. Heard enough? When someone is talking incessantly and it’s getting boring, just look them straight in the face, give the biggest yawn and then sigh at the end. Big drama, works every time. They usually remark ‘I guess I’m bugging him’. Bingo sister!

18 . On Curiosity: Not much is new to learn at my age, but my suggestion is this, if something new passes your line of vision, perk up, it may hold new and interesting opportunities. Curiosity does not kill the cat!

19. Effective Communication: Always be obvious about what you want. If they don’t get it, check your positioning and increase the volume. This ensures you get the right attention. It’s just too tiring to make humans guess.

20. Staying focused: It’s a good day when I’m not interrupted.

21. Moderation: Keep the catnip in moderation to avoid those embarassing out of control moments.

22. The element of surprise: Be where people don’t expect you to be. Like on the dinner table for dessert or leap onto their keyboard, or just sit quietly directly behind them…just be careful with this one, humans tend to be heavy.

23. Show gratitude: I show my appreciation by purring.

24. Mutual investment: I’ve trained my people to treat me well and I return the favour. Reciprocity makes for a great relationship.

25. Keep your sense of humour: Take a moment to just stare at a blank spot on the wall. It makes the humans look and wonder what you are looking at. When they look, yawn in disdain and move on. You can do this repeatedly with humans, they look every time.

News Flash

Our 2nd ebook is going to print...

Health Warning:

Reading Learn to Say NO Fast! and practicing the steps involved will cause the reader to experience symptoms of energy, freedom, plus a distinct loss of guilt. 

Proceed at your own risk!

Watch for it…September, 2006


We thank you for being out there. We thank you for reading what we put out into the world. There is lots of new stuff to come this year and we invite you to join us on this journey toward equilibrium and prosperity. If you would like to share any thoughts with us, we’d love to hear from you.

Till next month… Embrace Life

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"By Toby Silverton, PhD. and Bev McLagan, PhD. of Silverton McLagan Coaching. Contact:
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: Live the Solution! A fr*ee monthly publication of Silverton McLagan Coaching. (Dr. Toby Silverton & Dr. Bev McLagan).

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